Mass Fish Death Near Tsaghkunyats Lake

Mass Fish Death Near Tsaghkunyats Lake


Mass fish death has been recorded near Tsaghkunyats Lake, and Facebook user Nerses Mananyan has posted a video in this regard.

In his interview with EcoLur Armen Vardanyan, Head of Information and Public Relations Department of RA Nature Protection Ministry said that the employees of State Environmental Inspection will take samples from the water for examination, while the results will be known in several days. He said there is a version that the fish have died because of hypoxia having emerged because of lake freezing.

In reply to EcoLur's question whether such a precedent had already been recorded, Armen Vardanyan said he couldn't answer clearly, but this is the first time alarm signals had been received.

Tsaghkunyats Lake is located in Kotayq Region, in the middle part of Tsaghkunyats mountains, at the height of 2450 meters above sea level. According to Wikipedia, the lake gets covered with ice in the winter.

May 17, 2017 at 14:23