Illegal Tree Felling Cases Recorded in Sevan National Park

Illegal Tree Felling Cases Recorded in Sevan National Park


As the official website of RA Nature Protection Ministry informs,  25 trees of pine species have been found illegally cut down in Artanish and Drakhtik section of Artanish Branch in “Sevan National Park” SNCO. Illegal tree felling cases have been also recorded in Gugarq Forestry Enterprise of “ArmForest” SNCO of Forest Committee. Over 30 illegally cut down trees have been detected in Stepanavan, Gugarq and Ijevan Branches and 19 illegally cut down trees in Stepanavan, 4 in Gugarq and 7 in Ijevan forestry enterprises.

March 27, 2019 at 12:23