Special Tactical Drills Conducted at ANPP

Special Tactical Drills Conducted at ANPP


On May 16, RA Ministry of Emergency Situations held special tactical drills on topic "Organization and Implementation of Monitoring in Case of Nuclear and/or Radiation Nuclear Accident at ANPP" in RA Armavir Marz.

The objectives of the drills were:
• to check and improve the activities of the RA MES RS Radiation Monitoring Groups;
• organize and carry out radiation monitoring of Implementation of Pre-attack Protective Measures (IPPM) zone of 5 km radius of adjacent to the ANPP and Urgent Protection Measures Planning (UPMP) of 5-10 km radius zone near ANPP.
• find out routes and check backup radio communication on routes to provide a reliable connection.

According to the idea, the leakage of water had occurred in the first outlet of the ANPP reactor cooling system, which was rapidly increasing. The ANPP staff undertook measures to prevent the further pressure drop in the cooling system. Two emergency power supply systems of the first outline were put into operation, but during their launch a short circuit took place and the station was completely disconnected. As a result of overburdening in the hermetic bulk, radioactive material emission into the atmosphere occurred. RA Crisis Management National Center received an information from the ANPP about the nuclear power plant accident.

The training exercise was supervised by r/s Colonel Arthur Muradyan, the Head of the RA MES RS Population Protection and Organization of Elimination of Disaster Consequences Department.

Following the on-site instructions, the radiation monitoring and response teams left for the RA Armavir Marz, where radiation monitoring, intelligence and radiation background measurements according to defined areas were carried out.

The shortcomings identified during the drills were discussed at the summarization of the drills. They were mainly of technical character. The works to be done to eliminate the shortcomings were also mentioned.

May 18, 2018 at 17:14