Playing Field Founded in Shnogh Due to Efforts of Teghout Supporters

Playing Field Founded in Shnogh Due to Efforts of Teghout Supporters


A playing ground is currently being founded in the central part of Shnogh Village, Lori Region, near the school. It will consist of six playing devices. Teghout Support Civic Initiative member Apres Zohrabyan told EcoLur about this. “We will responsible for the mining project affected communities not only in environmental, but also in socio-cultural fields. Within the frames of this reasoning, donation was initiated among Teghout Support Civic Initiative to construct a playing field in Shnogh Village,” Apres Zohrabyan mentioned. 590,000 AMD was necessary to set up a playing field, which had been collected due to the donation of 50 people.  

Reminder: Shnogh is considered to be a project affected community, as Teghout copper and molybdenum mine is developed near the village.

April 23, 2013 at 16:41