The water of the River Kharatanoc in the region of Lori will soon flow in a new riverbed

The water of the River Kharatanoc in the region of Lori will soon flow in a new riverbed


The water of the River Kharatanoc in the region of Lori will soon flow in a new riverbed. In the framework of the project ''Exploiting Teghut's copper-molybdenum mine''  the new riverbed of   the River Kharatanoc  has already been concreted so that the river is isolated from the tailings dump. One of Teghout's residents Samvel Meliqsetyan says that they haven't been using the water of the River Shnogh for about one and a half year because  the quality of the water has got worse.

As the Mayor of Teghout Harutyun Meliksetyan told ''EcoLur'' currently  people have been using their natural sources for drinking water. There are three waterlines in Teghout two of which provide drinking water of good quality from natural sources and the third's water is used for technical purposes.

The drinking water pipeline Stepanavan-Noyemberyan hasn't been brought to Teghout community, the region of Lori. Let us remind you that the community expected the pipeline to reach Teghut still at the end of 2010.

June 14, 2011 at 16:52