World Bank Not Aware of Garni Residents’ Concerns

World Bank Not Aware of Garni Residents’ Concerns


World Bank representative Winston Yu is not aware of the complaint from Garni community residents in regard with the Qaghtsrashen gravity irrigation system funded by the bank.

EcoLur: Has the bank studied the social and environmental impact of Qaghtsrashen gravity irrigation system on Garni and adjacent communities.

Winston Yu:
Definitely, we have studied the social and environmental impact of Qaghtsrashen gravity irrigation system. Certainly there can be disagreements. That’s the reason, why together with the World Bank Project Implementation Unit we visit the communities to hear people’s voices. For us it’s important for the communities to be the owners of these schemes.

EcoLur: In this case, communities are not satisfied with the project.

Winston Yu: We have numerous discussions with the PIU and community residents and I know that Garni community is satisfied with this project. If you have any data or facts, please, present them.

EcoLur: Garni community residents’ open letter to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan demanding to stop the operation of this project.

Winston Yu: I have seen the statement on the website of EcoLur that Garni residents have addressed a letter to the President Serzh Sargsyan, but I haven’t seen the letter itself. In the last month we tried to develop a scheme for community for community monitoring. If some concerns arise during project implementation, community residents can be immediately involved and raise their concerns.

EcoLur: Where can we read the findings of your studies?

Winston Yu: The studies haven’t been finalized yet.

June 17, 2015 at 13:29