With One Hand Government Closing Wells and Opening Them With Another Hand

With One Hand Government Closing Wells and Opening Them With Another Hand


At the end of June the executive adopted a decision to re-develop over 100 wells and allotted 550 million AMD to the State Committee on Water Industry for this purpose. This decision arose anxiety among the public, as the same government proposed to conserve deep well for the rational use of undeground water resources of Ararat Valley.

The conservation of one deep well cost 2.5 million AMD for the government. As of 28 April 2014, 82 drilled wells in Ararat and Armavir Regions were liquidated, conserved and brought to valve regime. Mher Mkrtumyan, Head of the State Committee on Water Indsitry explained the governmental resolution as follows, 'The governmental resolution refers not to the re-opening of the deep wells, but to the re-development of existing deep wells.

July 07, 2014 at 15:43