Nubarashen Pesticide Graveyard Needs Urgent Solution

Nubarashen Pesticide Graveyard Needs Urgent Solution


On 4 April the meeting of the steering committee on “Elimination of expired pesticide and clean up POPs contaminated sites” project was held at Nature Protection Ministry.

“78 pesticide warehouses have been studies in eight regions of Armenia, while the priority will be given to the solution of the problem with Nubarashen pesticide graveyard,” said Nature Protection Minister, Co-chairman of the steering committee Aram Harutyunyan.

The representatives of the steering committee outlined in their speeches that no direct impact elements were recorded in Nubarashen pesticide graveyard, nevertheless the territory is not stable, therefore pesticides must be eliminated and decontaminated on the spot.





April 07, 2014 at 11:15