EBRD To Deal with Nubarashen Landfill

EBRD To Deal with Nubarashen Landfill


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) approved "Yerevan solid waste" project loan of € 8 million. The European Investment Bank is the investor with 8 million Euros loan. European Union Neighbourhood Facility (NIF) will also give € 8 million to the project. As it is mentioned in the program "The new landfill will be constructed adjacent to the existing landfill area 1000 m х 400 m." Nubarashen operating landfill contains 6 to 8 million tons of solid waste in about 35 hectares area. Japanese Shimizu company information is missing from the program, which is carried out Nubarashen landfill within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol. The company held biogas receiving potential of research in Nubarashen landfill in 2000s, and introduced biogas methane collection and project how to supply electricity from that, without any financial contribution by Armenian side. In addition, due to the sale of electricity Yerevan municipality could have annually 200-300 thousand dollars a year in profits. The company was ready to carry out all the necessary work on expanding the landfill area. However, after long negotiations the company was limited with the area ,allowing only to gather and burn the methane gas on 7 ha area in the old place. From 2009 the accumulated biogas has been burning on the landfill. According to the project “ a road must be build, which will lead to the landfill and which will lead out of it, a construction of a bridge is planned, from which the garbage will fall out, as well as tires cleaning, administrative building, car wash station, parking, fencing and lighting." Also planned to use the gathered garbage and to have filtering system, in order not to let emission of greenhouse gases. In our opinion, the main problems facing the country's waste management are not resolved within the framework of this multi-million dollar loan. There is nothing for garbage sorting and for recycling plastic waste. There is nothing about price policy mechanism. The principles of European policy on waste management are not used in this project.

July 09, 2015 at 16:55