Scientists Beating Alarm Signal: Ocean Has More Garbage Than People in The World

Scientists Beating Alarm Signal: Ocean Has More Garbage Than People in The World


More than five trillion pieces of plastic, collectively weighing nearly 269,000 tonnes, are floating in the world’s oceans, causing damage throughout the food chain, new research has found. The Guardian says that Data collected by scientists from the US, France, Chile, Australia and New Zealand suggests a minimum of 5.25tn plastic particles in the oceans, most of them “micro plastics” measuring less than 5mm.

The largest garbage island is in the Pacific Ocean, said Gayane Grigoryan, Director of RA NAS Geology Museum. She presented photo series, which show how the ocean garbage damages marine animals and how the garbage covers rivers. She called the garbage as the garbage of the civilization.


According to Gayane Grigoryan, plastic bags are the ones to have the largest adversary impact. She called for people to refuse from plastic bags and to use multi-use bags, as it was done before and presented the bags prepared by her pupils, where wastes served as raw materials.


December 12, 2014 at 12:20