Amulsar Project: Questions, Answers and Once Again Questions without Answers

Amulsar Project: Questions, Answers and Once Again Questions without Answers


Lydian International Company has disseminated a press release “Questions and Answers” on Amulsar open pit mining and the construction of a heap leach facility in the territory of Gndevaz Village, near Jermuk resort town. Afterwards “Pan-Armenian Environmental Front” civic initiative disseminated a press release “Questions without Answers”. The PEF press release particularly says,

"Questions left without answers:
1. Whether besides Rock Acid Drainage Tests of gold ore conducted in ISO17001 certified independent laboratory, all other overburden rock, which will be transported from the mine to the pit backfill and will be exposed to oxidation with the formation of sulfuric acid, will be tested in ISO17001 certified independent laboratory?
2. What’s the extent of sulfuric acid generated in overburden rocs in case of thorough oxidation of the sulfide minerals they contain (mainly pyrite) and what extent of acid-neutralizing ores (limestone, dolomite, marble, lime) are needed to neutralize all generated sulfuric acid and to reach neutral acidity, which flow into the drainage and water flowing into Lake Sevan?
3. Whether such large stocks of neutralizing ores are available in logistic distance to Amulsar?
4. Whether the expenses of mining (purchase), transportation, crashing and blending of neutralizing ores were included in СарЕх, ОрЕх or ReEx?
5. What’s the blending schedule for neutralizing ores and overburden acid waste transported from mine in order to neutralize new volumes of sulfuric acid in timely manner? (neutralization can’t be left for future after the mining, as it happened in Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic and in numerous copper mines in Ural, Russia.
6. Whether the environmental part of Amulsar project underwent independent CRIRSCO audit by an internationally accredited organization, which includes in-detailed budgeting of expenses for mining (purchase), transportation, crushing and blending of acid-neutralizing ores (limestone, dolomite, marble, lime)?"

The press release by Lydian lays down questions: What is heap leaching and how it differs from a tailing dump? What is project productivity and whether there are projects with similar productivity? What’s cyanide management? Whether the mine contains uranium? Whether infrastructures are quake-resistant? Whether there is impact on Lake Sevan, Jermuk resort and the mineral water in Jermuk? Whether the amount of heavy metals in the environment increases after explosions, crushing etc?” In reply to the questions on impacting Sevan, Jermuk resort and mineral water the company says, “No, it doesn’t”, while in reply to other questions the company gives explanations on the measures to be taken for risk mitigation or management.

August 07, 2015 at 16:45