Lake Sevan Endemic Fish Species Populations Continue Remaining at Risk

Lake Sevan Endemic Fish Species Populations Continue Remaining at Risk


The populations of Lake Sevan endemic fish species continue remaining at risk. Because of dried-out rivers the trout is currently deprived of its opportunity of natural reproduction and illegal whitefish fishing is continuing in the lake despite obstacles. Other fish species populations are also in extremely poor situation, as Bardukh Gabrielyan, Director of Scientific Center for Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA, presented the current state of bioresources of Lake Sevan at the round table entitled 'Applied Sides of Biodiversity Preservation in Armenia' held at NAS RA.

'The trout population in Lake Sevan continues surviving at the expense of the young fish bred under artificial conditions excluding the natural reproduction of this species in the rivers,' Bardukh Gabrielyan stated. He noted the trout reserves continue remaining at the level of the previous year – in the range of 1-2 tons, as it's let out on one hand and fished on the other hand. Only 9 out of 28 rivers are considered to be spawning sites, but the state of the rivers is not favorable in recent years. Besides irrigation systems which take in water, SHPPs also have their impact on the rivers.'

The other endemic species in Lake Sevan are also in extremely poor situation. What about the whitefish reserves, according to Bardukh Gabrielyan recorded tendency of increase in the industrial reserves of the whitefish in Lake Sevan in 2013-2016, nevertheless, he thinks that it's not sufficient and proposes to leave industrial fishing ban in 2017 as well.

February 23, 2017 at 18:07